Ob La Di
"Ob la di ... Ob la da" was written in 1968 by Paul McCartney, wanting to say that "life goes on". Driven by the idea and tools of the clean lines, the sincerity of materials and the light, a modern bar-restaurant in Melissia has been created in order to provide an overall architectural experience. Against design trends and scenic approaches, the space is aprroached architecturally. The different seating qualities and materials are there to provide an actual experience, not to imply a memory, thus creating architectural qualities over time (BUILT TO LAST), away from consumable decoration trends and loaded aesthetics.
The design axis is based on its integration with the outside. The basic architectural elements intensify the escapes while creating spaces and nests that belong to a harmonious whole. Existing concrete shell is highlighted and natural marble and wood materials are added. Natural and artificial lighting sculpts the materials and brings out the elements of the composition as the day progresses. The green ivy creek wall running through the composition does not imply nature but as a natural flora it unifies and softens the boundaries of space.
The entrance is signaled by the perforated wooden roof, which leads you inward, acting as an enlarged doorstep. The large central living room of the Atrium Logic continues the square and the collective concept of space inward, while in the background lies a marble wall, where light at its borders indicates the continuity of the space behind it. The architectural experience comes to an end with the operation of the space where the Chef as a host oversees from a giant glass "eye" his kingdom, and life goes on…